Running a NodeJS server with NginX and HTTPS

Many time Nodejs/Express web developers or MEAN stack developers feel very inconvenient when it comes to deploying their app or services on a server. To run a server on a remote machine and to access it without the hassle of adding colons (:) with the port number requires a certain different approach. Another problem that arises is how to set up an https server.

You don’t want your users to add a port number everytime they want to visit your web application even though when you have a domain name. Also, no one wants to visit a website or web application which doesn’t run on an HTTPS server ( “it is not secure” ).

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Linux Socket Programming

A socket is just a logical endpoint for communication. They exist on the transport layer. You can send and receive things on a socket, you can bind and listen to a socket. A socket is specific to a protocol, machine, and port, and is addressed as such in the header of a packet.

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