VARIEGATION (IoT Based Home Automation System)

“Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world, stimulating progress, giving birth to evolution.”
Albert Einstein



I had been doing “IoT” for quite some time now. I wanted to try out something through which I could understand IoT as a whole. If you want to know more about IoT, You can read What is IoT ? and To start with the IoT Architecture and Reference Model.

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IoTization – A general purpose IoT Platform (Part – II)

Express App – Bare minimum

If you have not seen the first post I would suggest you view that first.
IoTization – A general purpose IoT Platform (The planning)

We have already discussed the architecture of our project in the previous article. In this post, we will start building the NodeJs based Express application for the backend of our project. NodeJs and Express are a part of very powerful and easy to build web development stack know as the MEAN stack. We will discuss more of the MEAN stack in a different post. For now, MEAN stands for M- MongoDB, E- Express, A- Angular, N- NodeJs.
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IoTization – A general purpose IoT Platform (Part – I)

The planning

One minute of planning can save five minutes of execution


I had been working in the scope of IoT for quite a while now. Every other day I require testing some devices, primarily their connectivity and data transmission over networks. Sometimes I don’t have access to the internet.
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Swim across some Linux wifi accessories

We have been using Linux and wifi for a long time. There is nothing distinct or surprising in this. Here I am discussing some basic Linux tools which can enhance the way use your wifi on a Linux machine or give you some advantage over normal Linux users.

Continue reading “Swim across some Linux wifi accessories”

Linux Socket Programming

A socket is just a logical endpoint for communication. They exist on the transport layer. You can send and receive things on a socket, you can bind and listen to a socket. A socket is specific to a protocol, machine, and port, and is addressed as such in the header of a packet.

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